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A competitive advantage for German clients coming to Rome

Studio Internazionale, Alliott Group's Rome based law firm member, has created a strong competitive advantage that distinguishes the firm among Italy's medium sized law firms - the establishment of a 'German Desk' within the firm.

Piergiorgio Zettera, partner at Studio Internazionale

"Our German Desk is dedicated to assisting German companies, entrepreneurs and Alliott Group colleagues who need a service to be provided in Italy that are more tailored to their needs, including delivery in the German language. This type of service is not available through many Italian firms and will help Studio Internazionale to ensure that operating in Italy is as efficient as possible for German speakers." A more tailored service

The firm's skilled team of lawyers and tax lawyers offers assistance in areas that include corporate law, tax law, administrative law, banking law, civil law, canonical law, ecclesiastic law, bankruptcy law, international law and labor and employment law.

More news from Studio Internazionale

Mr. Luca Grasseni has joined the firm as Tax Partner. Luca has vast expertise in tax and accountancy and is developing tailored services for entrepreneurs interested in investing and/or internationalizing their business in the United Arab Emirates.

For more information or assistance in Rome

For more information about the firm's services for German companies and individuals, please contact Piergiorgio Zettera.