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Hosted by local member firms Sora & Associates and Prospect Consult SRL, the goal of the meeting is to strengthen relationships between members representing the alliance in their jurisdictions and to discuss and agree how the alliance can ensure it is positioned as the professional services partner of choice to international companies operating across and through this region of Europe.

The meeting will also include opportunities for members to network, and to share and discuss best practice at their firms and to look at common strategies used to retain and expand client business.

AGA CEO Giles Brake comments:

" I am delighted so many members have confirmed their attendance at our event in Bucharest. The alliance has developed its presence in this part of Europe in the last few years to meet the needs of growing businesses needing support in setting up and expanding their operations. We are positioned perfectly to provide a unique blend of professional services expertise to middle market companies needing support right across the region. "A big thank you to our member firms Sora & Associates and Prospect Consult for their support in the planning of this first event.”

Members from inside and outside of the region can learn more and register here.

In the CEE and SEE region, AGA currently has representatives in the following countries:  Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Turkey.

Further reading:

Together as One - Giles Brake and regional members speak to CEE Legal Matters.

About Alliott Global Alliance:

Founded in 1979, and with 215 member firms in 95 countries Alliott Global Alliance is an international alliance of independent, law, accounting, and specialist advisory firms, working across the world Together as One.

Each of our members share a common goal: to learn and share knowledge, resources, and opportunities to make the world smaller and their businesses stronger.
We work with a spirit of generosity and openness — so that together, we can continue to fulfil our ambitions, gain greater experience, and drive mutual success.

Alliott Global Alliance is expanding fast, and the alliance has its sights set firmly on growing its legal and accounting membership to 100 countries. Opportunities are available to independent professional firms in specific countries in Africa, but also in Europe, China, the ASEAN region, Australasia, the Gulf Cooperation Council region, Central and South America and in North America. For information about membership in Europe, email membership@alliottglobal.com.