Our digital collaboration
hub has gone live

Taking place annually, this practical 1.5 day bespoke staff training is designed to expose delegates to the benefits of AGA, build high level leadership skills, and develop an effective and interactive international peer group for the potential future leaders of AGA’s law, accounting and specialist advisory firms.

The conference commenced with a welcome by Maria Zabala, EMEA Chair and Partner at AGA member firm in Spain, Abbantia Law Firm, and Sophia Rook-Blackstone, AGA’s Membership Growth Manager.

Leadership coaches Joanna Keeling and Elisabet Vinberg Hearn then proceeded to facilitate the first of their interactive sessions which focused on presentation and influencing skills, highlighting the requirement to plan and deliver with ease.

Day two commenced with a practical workshop on how to develop a personal brand with impact, including tips to building a personal brand, how to best communicate ideas and objectives and understanding the drivers for motivation and resilience in the work place.

Further sessions focused on leading with impact, including how to inspire and motivate others, how to be visible, approachable and in control and how to build an internal network and work cohesively and collaboatively with others. The programme concluded with top tips on how to use external and internal networks to drive commercial success and remote networking.

Maria, left with future leader Ana Fernandez

The conference’s business sessions were interspersed with unique opportunities to network and experience the hospitality on offer in the historical city of Barcelona.

Giles Brake, CEO of Alliott Global Alliance commented:

"Ensuring the next generation of leaders has access to the skills needed to transition to more senior roles at their firms is one of our main concerns, so it is good that so many ambitious and proactive rising stars joined us at our training event. “This would have been a first AGA event for many, and I expect that everyone will keep in touch and become not only friends, but also trusted business partners.”

Further Reading:

About Alliott Global Alliance:

Founded in 1979, and with over 210 member firms in 95+ countries Alliott Global Alliance is an international alliance of independent, law, accounting, and specialist advisory firms, working across the world Together as One.

Each of our members share a common goal: to learn and share knowledge, resources, and opportunities to make the world smaller and their businesses stronger.
We work with a spirit of generosity and openness — so that together, we can continue to fulfil our ambitions, gain greater experience, and drive mutual success.

Alliott Global Alliance is expanding fast, and the alliance has its sights set firmly on growing its legal and accounting membership to 100 countries. Opportunities are available to independent professional firms in specific countries in Africa, but also in Europe, China, the ASEAN region, Australasia, the Gulf Cooperation Council region, Central and South America and in North America. For information about membership, email membership@alliottglobal.com.