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Los Angeles, CA

If Uber must classify its drivers as employees, it will be subject to additional regulations and increased costs which may render its current business model unprofitable
Shane Devins Masuda Funai

Some of the highlights from the report are detailed below:

London, United Kingdom

Paul Marmor, partner at Sherrards Solicitors comments: “A High Court ruling confirmed that Uber’s ride sharing app does not breach UK law, but the outcomes of employment law cases related to the legal classification of drivers will have a bearing on how the company operates in the future.”


Jon Broadley of Broadley Rees Hogan comments: “In Sydney, the industry is now regulated with the state Government describing the change as a necessary update on ‘out dated’ transport regulations. Taxi licence owners have been compensated with a AUD 250 Million ‘industry adjustment package’.”

Ohio, USA

Chris Blake of Hahn Loeser & Parks adds: “The responses across Ohio’s main cities have varied, some city councils passing ordinances to regulate ride sharing, while others have left companies such as Uber operating ‘in a regulatory void’. New state-wide legislation is due in March 2016.”

California, USA

Shane Devins of Masuda Funai comments: “While ride sharing services can now legally pick up passengers at LAX, as in London, their long-term prospects hinge on a lawsuit related to the classification of drivers and the employment law implications that may follow.

New Delhi, India

Alfred Adebare of LexCounsel comments: “Uber continues to operate in Delhi despite its application for a license being rejected twice. Should Uber become a licensee, compliance would require Uber to modify its business model to such a degree that its future could be threatened.”


Stefan Simon of SPITZWEG Partnerschaft comments: “Uber is illegal in Germany as the 1968 German Passenger Transportation Act prevents the company from registering as a ‘taxi’ transportation system. However, bigger questions related to EU law and the freedom of establishment and services give Uber hope.”


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