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In the second edition of our 'Trends' thought leadership pieces, our international business lawyers provide clients with some latest insights on Cyber Security.


Cyber crime is becoming more and more sophisticated, and with smartphones, laptops, and computers being a fundamental part of life, it is important to make sure your software and hardware is protected. Change your password frequently.


As we interact with people more and more online, there is a risk of identity fraud. Make sure that sensitive data is protected so there is no doubt that the person you are dealing with is who they say they are. Personal data must be processed securely and under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR or UK GDPR).


Employees have had to adapt quickly to working at home, leaving systems open to viruses, ransomware, email fraud and other cyber crime. Businesses are under threat every day, so invest and upgrade often.


Data loss is a huge cost to a business and so requires investment. Cloud backups are the most secure, reliable, and easiest way to keep your data safe. If compromise occurs, the business can continue without interruption. Have a critical response plan in place in the event a cyber attack takes place.


Get advice from professionals when installing security technology such as firewalls, antivirus and DDos software to protect your data from cyber threats. Regularly review your payment systems and IT equipment. Secure your website and encrypt sensitive data, including on mobile devices. Check insurance carefully to make sure you have the right level of cover for your firm against cyber attacks. These policies are designed to cover the cost of security failures including data recovery, system forensics as well as the cost of a legal defence.

Together as One:

AGA provides a cost-efficient legal service model whereby large and small companies can access support in protecting and growing their businesses in over 300 business centers in 95 countries worldwide. You can count on team members who adhere to common service standards that emphasise responsiveness, clear communication, transparency, and technical excellence. For assistance with all business law matters in any country, contact businesslaw@alliottglobal.com

Further Reading:

Trends - Force Majeure

About Alliott Global Alliance:

Alliott Global Alliance is an international alliance of 215 independent law, accounting and specialist firms in over 95 countries around the world and our members are experts in the law, customs, and tax systems of almost any country where you are looking to do business.

Our international business law experts can provide the services you require to help you with your critical and strategic business challenges including:

  • Commercial
  • Corporate structuring
  • Finance
  • Immigration
  • Intellectual property
  • International trade
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Regulatory law.