Christian Bruetting, Partner
Practice Areas
- Acquisitions
- Audit & assurance
- Business & strategic planning
- Corporate finance
- Corporate governance
- International tax planning
- Automobiles & parts
- Family businesses
- General industrials
- Not for profit organisations
- Owner managed businesses
Christian is a partner at audalis, Kohler, Punge & Partner - an independent, full-service firm specialized in business, legal, taxation and auditing consultancy services in the Ruhr area in Germany. His key areas are domestic and international tax structuring. His areas of focus include also corporate valuation and family office management. As an expert in business management consulting, he regularly advises clients in key aspects of business organization, such as due diligence, compliance projects, company assessments, relocation of operations, as well as planning and support issues associated with family office. In previous years, he served as a Co-leader of the Expert Committee on Capital Investment/Banking and Capital Market Law of the Association of German Portfolio Management Tax Consultation (DVVS) and as a member of the Advisory Board for Banking of the Tax Consultant Association of Westfalen-Lippe.